The Gentle Intuitive’s Substack
I AM soft Podcast
50: *Video On YouTube* The Dirt Pathway - Celebrating 50 Episodes I AM soft Podcast

50: *Video On YouTube* The Dirt Pathway - Celebrating 50 Episodes I AM soft Podcast

Watch Video Here:

(YouTube Account is called The Gentle Intuitive)

Please note - this was filmed outside and I do a lot of pointing and showing in this Episode. It might be harder to listen without the video, so I have included the video file on youtube, so you can watch along.


We are celebrating our 1st video podcast episode at Episode #50 of the I AM soft Podcast.

Can you guess the location? We just had to film onsite at the dirt pathway!

Come along and have a listen, and this time, a visual representation of how those fears, sufferings, pains, repeating loops are the exact things to help us remember who we are. To remember our heart. To remember to walk forward on our pathway.

Those exact things that feel like we are blind to our purpose, are the very things to help us see.

Today's episode was a reminder that we are not healing to no longer suffer or escape from pains or resistance...we are just remembering our authentic self. Our joy, our love, our heart.

We can smile and know deep within that when we forget, we get to remember again. Each time we remember, the more we stay present and focused on being in each moment no matter what faces us on our pathway.

So instead of celebrating "healing", let's celebrate remembering that right now, in this very moment, we are being our truest self.

I hope you enjoyed the first video Episode #50. Let me know if you prefer video over audio and I can aim to do more recording, so you can see the examples of nature around us to help us go deeper into knowing ourselves.

Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

With and open and grateful heart,


The Gentle Intuitive’s Substack
I AM soft Podcast
”Soft in our spirit, great strength appears”
When you hear the word soft, do you hear weakness or strength?
Join Melissa on the brand new podcast - I AM soft for stories and conversations on deep soul spiritual awakening, living a conscious life, conscious relationships and deep, delicious love...with an essence of softness that appears like a light even after the darkest of times.