The Gentle Intuitive’s Substack
I AM soft Podcast
44: Subconscious Mind Guided Meditation for New Beginnings

44: Subconscious Mind Guided Meditation for New Beginnings

New Beginnings. From all endings, a newness in the field appears in our ever changing world.

Let's open the door to the new beginnings this new moon is helping us with.

A small nest of baby birds invited us into this impromptu guided meditation session. We focused on our life pathway with two stops along the way before we came back to our path with fresh new beginnings.

We changed our whole energy field by allowing what is unseen in our subconscious mind to show us what we need to see/feel/sense/know at this moment. 

Find a safe, comfortable place where you'll be undisturbed for about 40 minutes to give yourself the full experience. You can sit up or lay down. The most important thing is to focus your intention to open to your highest love frequency. Give yourself permission to go into the deeper recesses of your subconscious mind and deeper pools of consciousness. Try not to judge anything that occurs through your experience - sensations, memories, tears, feelings or emotions. They are all there to be experienced in this moment.  

If your mind wanders off, just bring it back to your focus on love in your heart. Your subconscious mind is still listening to the recording and trust all is perfectly unfolding in this moment.

I hope you enjoy this gift from the baby bird's nest of new beginnings. They are almost ready to fly and start their new life.

Subconscious Mind Guided Meditation for New Beginnings starts at 09:15-54:41

Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

With an open and grateful heart,


The Gentle Intuitive’s Substack
I AM soft Podcast
”Soft in our spirit, great strength appears”
When you hear the word soft, do you hear weakness or strength?
Join Melissa on the brand new podcast - I AM soft for stories and conversations on deep soul spiritual awakening, living a conscious life, conscious relationships and deep, delicious love...with an essence of softness that appears like a light even after the darkest of times.