The Gentle Intuitive’s Substack
I AM soft Podcast
46: Your Hidden Superpowers

46: Your Hidden Superpowers

Part 2 for the black sheep, misfits, those who feel they didn't belong...Your superpower is calling.

That piece you keep hidden in social interactions, that might even keep you hidden from the world, is what we need right now. 

Today I shared a story about a mystical experience with a group of ladies that were total strangers to me when I met them this morning. The more we all opened to sharing the depths of ourselves, especially the shadow sides (or the part we would hide in the past), the closer we became.

Today we shared how deep empathy, that was once a source of pain and suffering, was now seen and shared as this beautiful lady's gift. It was her superpower. But her empathy was not always seen or felt like a gift or superpower. It was the exact thing that was at the centre of so much darkness. 

So if you have felt like your sensitivity, empathy, voice, views, beliefs, way of being has caused or been the cause of suffering and pain throughout your life, you'll enjoy this episode to fire off rockets of these exact superpowers. If we love those hidden parts equally and accept what it showed and taught us in this lifetime, then the exact people, places and situations who are aligned with us will walk through the front door.

Follow the lady finger banana surprises!

Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

With an open and grateful heart,


The Gentle Intuitive’s Substack
I AM soft Podcast
”Soft in our spirit, great strength appears”
When you hear the word soft, do you hear weakness or strength?
Join Melissa on the brand new podcast - I AM soft for stories and conversations on deep soul spiritual awakening, living a conscious life, conscious relationships and deep, delicious love...with an essence of softness that appears like a light even after the darkest of times.